Command & Conquer - (112 downloads) - A great sound bank from Command and Conquer. Author: TimV. Archive date: 2000-11-22. (296KiB)
Tank - (97 downloads) - Tank sounds. Author: Renton Ziegler. Archive date: 2000-08-04. (313KiB)
Jagged Alliance 2 Unfinished Business - (80 downloads) - Cool sounds from the game. This file is a self extracting RAR archive. Author: Biernath John. Archive date: 2001-02-27. (321KiB)
Inverse - (101 downloads) - All Liero sounds played backwards. Author: Zander Zoftware. Archive date: 2000-11-10. (271KiB)
Netstorm - (89 downloads) - Cool sounds. (I'm out of inspiration :P) Author: Biernath John. Archive date: 2001-07-17. (573KiB)
Mario - (130 downloads) - Super Mario sounds. Author: MechaN8. Archive date: 2000-08-16. (302KiB)
War! - (92 downloads) - This sound bank has speech-sound effects like "You're dead!" and "I'm hit!". Quite funny. Author: Good Smiley. Archive date: 2000-12-31. (329KiB)
Red Alert - (102 downloads) - All sounds in this SND bank are from C&C Red Alert. Includes a special sound for the Laser weapon. Author: Krambambuli. Archive date: 2001-03-23. (537KiB)
Fallout 2 - (112 downloads) - Another soundbank with heavy explosion sounds, other sounds are light. Author: Biernath John. Archive date: 2001-04-29. (363KiB)
Resident Evil - (123 downloads) - Soundbank made with sounds from the game Resident Evil. Author: Krambambuli. Archive date: 2001-09-09. (1.1MiB)
Half Life - (127 downloads) - Sounds from Half Life. Author: Maftik. Archive date: 2000-12-21. (479KiB)
Matrix - (106 downloads) - Sounds are distorted with 'The Matrix'-effect. Author: unknown. Archive date: 2000-11-15. (289KiB)
AppSounds - (107 downloads) - This soundbank contains sounds from Windows 98 and from various windows applications. (Office 2000, ICQ, Sound Forge 4.0) Author: Maftik. Archive date: 2001-12-04. (448KiB)