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27 Apr 2004 at 22:56 Kody E-Mail
Cool site :P

22 Apr 2004 at 15:31 ulv  

22 Apr 2004 at 15:10 nisse  
a fine page

15 Apr 2004 at 12:17 TimV HomepageE-Mail
1: LieroKit is probably the best tool to make weapons for Liero. It takes some time to learn the effects of all the different values, but I am not aware of any program that makes weapon creation easier than that. 2: Send your stuff to Liero sites that still accept new stuff. You could send it to me, but it could take a while before I can put it online.

13 Apr 2004 at 20:53 ...o0O0o...  
Hi liero lovers!! I just wanted to ask some questions to anyone who knows... 1: How to create you own weapons?? (any easyer way than the Liero Kit??) 2: And how to get 'em out on "Internet"?? Happy gamin'!!!

24 Mar 2004 at 23:21 TimV HomepageE-Mail
I made a very small update to the site to make things ready for LOSP downloads. Since the menu on the left is getting quite long for people running at resolutions lower than 1024x768 I've made the menu's collapsable. Just click the menu titles to collapse any of the menu's. As you have probably already noticed none of the General sections are there yet. I hope I'll be able to spend some time on those sections as well.

20 Mar 2004 at 9:57 plotso  
I was here for liero stuff. I am now making a liero cd for me (sorry my bad English)

10 Mar 2004 at 9:08 mrdarka  

5 Mar 2004 at 11:55 Podex HomepageE-Mail
Inderdaad! ComSer rules and LieroHH rules! I really really like it, a lot.

5 Mar 2004 at 11:09 ulv Homepage
Yo! HH rules! ComSer lives! Hello world!

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