Liero Hellhole
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15 Oct 2004 at 1:57 Betong Asna HomepageE-Mail
please, someone who read this, email me because i think that only I and my friend are liero fans today PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6 Sep 2004 at 16:45 LOSP  

22 Aug 2004 at 21:28 Betong asna E-Mail
very good site, I think I am the only brazilian liero fan. kepp the good work and sorry if I made a error

19 Aug 2004 at 16:54 Magnus  
To solve the blowaway settings bug in the special objects in LieroM8, you need to write some blowaway settings for the following objects: large explosion blowaway: 3000 -save object- zimm flash blowaway: 3000 -save object- small exp silent blowaway: 3000 -save object- large exp. even smaller blowaway: 0 -save object- This sets the blowaway of medium exp, small exp, large exp and hellraider smoke to the right values. Sounds weird, but it works!

16 Aug 2004 at 1:03 TimV HomepageE-Mail
The download counters have been working since 15th April this year. After 7815 downloads I decided that it was time to show our visitors what it has been counting. :-) HOWEVER: Don't expect that the file with the highest number of downloads is the best. The numbers aren't quite high enough yet to make that conclusion. Perhaps we'll make staff ratings sometime in the not so very near future.

12 Aug 2004 at 20:20 nathan  

9 Aug 2004 at 11:02 remeronski  
the original liero rules and the liero clones sux! >:O

7 Aug 2004 at 23:49 Ryynänen  
Great work! Keep it going!

25 Jul 2004 at 4:16 Renton Ziegler E-Mail
Nice to see hellhole still going strong after all these years! Keep it up guys

21 Jul 2004 at 9:55 Honza HomepageE-Mail
Chci to èesky !!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

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