Liero Hacking Project siteWelcome to the Liero Hacking Project site.Note that this site will not be updated anymore! Check the About section for more information about this site. 16 January 2004This stuff is all really old, but since it was part of Liero Hellhole before, I decided to upload again. Note that I have removed all e-mail addresses from the site as I am pretty sure the contributors of the site do not want to answer e-mail on this material anymore. Most of the hacks that can be found here are implemented in either LieroM8 or Liero Hacker. Anyway this site may still be of use to someone sometime ;-) so here you are. There will be no further updates to this site.Old news:1 October 2001New hack stuff found by Gliptic here: Codehacks 3. At this moment Gliptic is accepting hack requests. So, if there is something you would like to change in Liero, send an e-mail to (-- email address removed --) and Gliptic will try to find the perfect hack for you. ;) I changed the link color to something that looks awful. :-P But now it is easier to find the codehack links. 13 August 2001 I just got back from my holiday and I got loads of work. Right now I'm not doing a big update to this site. However, I did get new code hacks and offsets from Gliptic. They can be found here: Codehacks 2. I also got new information about the strange words in the chr file. Shiit sorted out the mistery. Here are some unedited posts copied from the LieroNet board that explain it all. That's all for now. Oh, I updated the HIEW link too. 9 July 2001 Updated the offset list. All data is now in one big table. I've added some stuff I got from Gliptic too. I also got some code hacks from him, but right now I don't feel like working on this page, so until I feel like it again ;D you can find the codehacks here: Codehacks 1. 6 July 2001 Sorry for the lack of updates, but I've been very busy. Now that I finally have some time off (I'll be going on vacation pretty soon) I have started adding datatypes to the offset list. It's a big list and I hope I can get it all in a nice table before I'm going away for 4 weeks. 23 May 2001 Updated the offset list with some new values concerning jump force, random background colors and ninja rope colors. I also added document descriptions of the LIERO.CHR file and JASC palettes, thanks to Sander de Jong. 21 May 2001 Added a material/color list. Very useful when you're making powerlevels! 20 May 2001 Uploaded document descriptions for the LIERO.DAT, BMP and WAV files. I also added a list of keys available in Liero. I tried making Liero load another DAT file by writing it in the OPT file, but it didn't work. If you can get it to work, please contact me on ICQ. Made a small correction in the DAT file format description. For the weapon equipment, the weapons are sorted by Weapon index. (See Liero offset list). Also added LIERO.CHR Graphics functions. 18 May 2001 Updated the list again with some new values I got from Gliptic. I put some of them in a subsection 'mistery offsets'. ;) 15 May 2001 I updated the offset list with all new things I have found. I'm pretty sure there must be a 'horizontal gravity' for the ninja rope, because I can reach the ceiling with it if I set the vertical gravity to 0, but not the other side of the level. I think I'll find it soon. 14 May 2001 Added file format descriptions for LEV, SND, LIERO.OPT, NAMES.DAT, Powerlevel and LieroKit palette files. I also converted all offsets in the Liero offset list to hexadecimal. 13 May 2001 The very latest news is that I've just created this website! I know the design is boring :P but it works. I will be making some of the document-format documents myself. |