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23 Feb 2004 at 0:50 TimV HomepageE-Mail
The search feature of Hellhole is back! :-) There are two types; Quick search and Advanced search. Both can be found just below the menu. To try it, just type some text and press enter. Advanced search allows searching for specific filetypes, different sorting options etc. The default viewing mode has been set to 'random order'. Unlike the old Hellhole, it will still display all downloads, not just one page. Download counters will be next...

9 Feb 2004 at 16:46 TimV HomepageE-Mail
Filesizes and screenshots are back. A problem with the weapon mod page has been fixed. Added next- and previous page links. If you come across any corrupt zip files, please inform me and I will upload them again.

9 Feb 2004 at 0:17 TimV HomepageE-Mail
Oke, I decided that it was time to reopen Liero Hellhole. I made a new banner on the doorway-page to celebrate the reopening. :-) There are still a lot of things missing; No download counters, no screenshots, no filesizes, no search & sort. All these things will be implemented one at the time. As always, I cannot say when it will be done. I hope I will have some time for it 'soon'. ;-)

30 Jan 2004 at 9:50 Fierce HomepageE-Mail
Hi all liero fans. It's a shame to see this page closed but still like that the guestbook is running. I'm running a Liero tournament and trying to run up a Liero League. Check the Homepage for more info. I'm thinkin about a League where players are ranked by their kills. If anybody wants to give ideas or enter the tournament or league plz mail me.

27 Jan 2004 at 20:35 Acid HomepageE-Mail
I kinda like the gray dull design we have now :P Its basic low on b/w and does the job, besides this site is for archival purposes only :)

23 Jan 2004 at 10:32 TimV HomepageE-Mail
I've uploaded all original Liero Hellhole downloads to the new location and I have imported the data files into the MySQL database. Liero Hellhole is coming back. It would be nice if someone could make a new design for the download pages. I don't plan to spend much time on that, so it will just be grey text on a black background like before.

22 Jan 2004 at 18:37 gloomba38 HomepageE-Mail
Hmm, this site seems to close and re-open left and right. It doesn't look like it's coming back either. Well, it's was nice knowing the Hellhole. Used to be one of the only good Liero sites. Oh well, Liero is kinda replaced by Soldat and some Liero clone on Gamehippo now, so it don't matter. I guess I'm done rambling now. :)

15 Jan 2004 at 21:26 Wezzzl HomepageE-Mail
Well I think I'll like the fancy design. :p

13 Jan 2004 at 21:24 TimV HomepageE-Mail
Yep, thats about all you did for Hellhole. :-) Ah here it is, Podex about LieroM8: [quote (from old reviews)]Podex: This is very very good. I really really like it. A lot.[/quote]

13 Jan 2004 at 0:13 Podex HomepageE-Mail
[quote]Many greetings to Tim and Podex ! I hope your great (best) Liero site will be soon back again.[/quote];) Liero HellHole was never my site Maftik :) I did upload 1 thing once I believe and made this superb review of the latest Liero M8 version: 'I really really like it. A lot.'

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